Friday, January 27, 2006

Stay in New York, Senator

I’ve been getting a ton of junk mail from Hillary Clinton lately. It all goes right in the trash. I won’t be sending her a nickel.

Hillary has all of the negative baggage and precious little of her husband’s charm. Would there even be a debate over whether or not Hillary "feels your pain?" Whereas Bill radiated fallible passion, Hillary just reeks of unprincipled ambition.

Witness her feeble attempt to court the "Love It Or Leave It" crowd by co-sponsoring a idiotic constitutional amendment to make burning the flag illegal. Her potential base correctly sees this as spineless equivocation, and while they'll probably hold their nose and vote for her if she's the 2008 Democratic nominee, they won't do much else.

Meanwhile, the folks Hillary is trying to appeal to with the flag burning amendment wouldn't vote for her if she cut Osama's dick off at the Super Bowl halftime show. If you're going to betray your base in an attempt to grab the middle, at least be pragmatic about it.

Hillary, Joe Biden and Joe Lieberman epitomize the disloyal opposition wing of the Democratic party, existing only to shore up their own power while preserving the fallow illusion of bipartisan governance.


Kat said...

the folks Hillary is trying to appeal to with the flag burning amendment wouldn't vote for her if she cut Osama's dick off at the Super Bowl halftime show
Truly beautiful. (Particularly since I've been listening to too much Alito "debate" on CSPAN this week...) Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that was a memorable turn of phrase.

A Hillary nomination is the Republicans' dream come true. If they can turn a decorated war hero into a Vietnam era traitor, turning Hillary into Jiang Qing will be mop-up work for the Junior Varsity.