Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Dionysium Tackles the Smoking Ban

I ran into Dionysium high muckety man L.B. Deyo at a party this weekend. He told me all about tonight's slate of intellectual amusements, which includes a lecture by defending "Ten Minute Story" champion Wayne Allen Brenner entitled, "Five Simple Steps to Greater Joy in This World of Sorrow," and a debate on the proposed smoking ban for local bars. Given that the latter is a real bread-and-butter issue which will be decided at the polls next month, expect an extra lively exchange. The show starts at 9pm at the Ritz Lounge Upstairs, 320 E. 6th St.

With one foot in music and one foot in public health, I'm of mixed minds about the smoking ban. Anyone who tries to pooh-pooh the potential health risks of second-hand smoke is playing ostrich, but it's easy to understand why bar owners would feel singled-out and over-regulated, especially given the draconian state alcohol laws they're already operating under. Though I doubt the drinking age will ever be lowered again in my lifetime, I'd much rather have an 18-year-old drinking beer next to me than a 45-year-old blowing turd-scented cigar smoke in my face.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, muckety!