Sunday, April 24, 2005

The Bush Box on Basin Street

Take a peek at this week's Chron to see my Bush Box, a swart little round-up of music concerning our Dear Leader. Among the albums reviewed is Basin Street's Bush says: Rock & Roll is America's No. 1 Defense Against Terrorism. Although the title led to its Bush Box inclusion, the album doesn't have the novel polemic tone of the other stuff. Basin Street is more interested in delivering stomp-along punk rock with relentless enthusiasm. They're definitely worth checking out regardless of your feelings on political music.

And as long as you're there, don't miss Audra Schroeder's review of Ashlee Simpson's Austin Music Hall show. In addition to enduring a cover of Hole's "Celebrity Skin," Schroeder actually saw a teen-age girl lick her hand after grabbing the arm of Simpson's dad. There's a dissertation in how many levels of creepy that entails.

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