Monday, May 07, 2007

Greensburg Tornado Damage

The Wichita Eagle has some truly amazing aerial photos of the damage left behind by Friday night's mile-wide F-5 tornado in Greensburg, Kansas. It's thankfully rare for a tornado to cause this intensity of destruction on such a wide scale.

Because Greensburg had ample warning and storm cellars are common in Kansas, only 10 people have been found dead thus far. Ten years ago, an F-5 tornado killed 27 people just north of Austin in Jarrell. The same storm system dropped a massive tree branch on my first ex-wife's car and left us without power for two or three days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember that storm. I went into the co-op to sell my books and it was a nice day, I walked out and the sky was purple, people were running and screaming. My cat went missing for a week and the winds threw my 150 pound Vespa scooter about four yards into the street!