Monday, April 13, 2009

Poteet strawberry ice cream arrives!

I just made my first H-E-B Creamy Creations Poteet Strawberry Ice Cream sighting of the season.

As of about an hour ago, the H-E-B at Burnet and Allandale has this ritual springtime treat in stock. If you're a fan of strawberry ice cream who knows what's good for you, you'll pick up a carton soon because it won't be around for long.


Anonymous said...

I just bought a quart of it at H.E.B.! Your blog is how I found out about this magical ice cream, when you posted about it a few years ago.

Terri R.

Dan said...

Hey, did all the ice cream packages down there suddenly shrink from 1.75 qts to 1.5 qts? They did up here in New England.