Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Mudders Beat DUI Rap by Trespassing

If you’re a College Republican in Texas who wants to get boozed up and go muddin’ in your daddy’s SUV, be sure to do it on private property.

That’s what Texas State students Dustin Bednorz and William Fischer did on the morning of March 17 near the banks of the Blanco River in San Marcos. Even though these two reckless scions ran over three campers and responding police smelled alcohol on both drivers' breaths, they apparently could not charge them with drunk driving because everyone involved was trespassing on private property. All the local constabulary could do was shrug their shoulders and say, “This was a tragic accident.”

Of course, it’s always a tragic accident when nice white college kids mess up.


Anonymous said...

See Dustin's bio at the Texas State College Republicans http://www.texasstatecr.org

The others are worth reading too.

Anonymous said...

i remember that. pretty crazy. but the three campers were gary job corps runaways sleeping under a bridge.